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Sound Education is the most valuable asset a responsible parent can procure for his/her ward, at the same time a vital tool that can be used for emancipation from political, social and psychological slavery.


On this note, it’s my pleasure to welcome the prospective students and parents to our greatest citadel of learning, Career Builders Comprehensive College, Osogbo. We have readily available classes for crèche, kiddies, Nursery and Primary classes.


We are located at a serene and conducive environment with superb facilities that can make learning enjoyable, interesting and comfortable for your children

We shall offer you a satisfactory and quality services in building the career of your children as the name of our college implies


Thanks for your patronage


Surely, a trial will convince you.

Read More About Us

Pre KG & KG

We involve the pupils in activities that encourage pupils to be Independent and initiate interaction with others.

Nursery & Primary

With age range from 5 & above, provides a comprehensive primary education in line with National Policy on education

Secondary School

This section caters for the 3years after the Junior School which would determine the placement of student in the senior school.

Our team of qualified, innovative and experienced personnel discharge their duties with consideration for individual uniqueness and differences, giving every student personal attention with the benefit of remedial classes, where necessary.

Why Choose Us

Students are exposed to various practical experiences that consolidate the class room teaching.

Serene Environment

We are located at a very conducive and clean environment that is suitable for students of all age brackets and for easy learning and assimilation.

Science Laboratories

Our school boasts of a well equipped multi-purpose ultra-modern laboratories (Physics, Chemistry, Biology) for science subjects.


Our school library is a learning centre equipped with collection of divers books, journals and printed media for easy access.

ICT Suite

We have a resource centre which houses a modern computer laboratory with computers, internet access, scanners and printers.

From Our Gallery

Admission Countdown

*Hurry Up. Obtain form today!


Our curriculum is tailored to achieve our objectives of producing a well-rounded personality adequately prepared for tomorrow’s challenges and this meets the requirements of the state, Federal Ministry of Education, local and international examination bodies.